Monday, February 24, 2020

Children Whose Parents are Suffering from AIDS Essay

Children Whose Parents are Suffering from AIDS - Essay Example [International AIDS Society Communications Department (n.d)] AIDS is caused by a virus known as HIV, or Human Immunodeficiency Virus. When a human body is infected by HIV, it attacks upon the healthy cells of the body such as the white blood cells that function to keep us safe from different diseases. It thrives and multiplies in those cells weakening and damaging the white blood cells and ultimately, the human body as it loses its protection shield. [American Psychiatric Association (n.d)] The HIV virus can be transmitted when the HIV containing fluids of one person transfer to another person. Thus, HIV can be transferred through sex, by sharing needles, syringes (especially, while drug abuse as it is done with precaution) etc, and new born babies with infected mother can also get the virus. HIV virus, however, doesn't thrive in a medium outside of a human body so according to known researches, it is not possible to get infected through external mediums, such as air and water. It is also known that insects do not carry the virus. [American Psychiatric Association (n.d)] In our fast-paced world where cut-throat competition prevails, people... [American Psychiatric Association (n.d)] [International AIDS Society Communications Department (n.d)] MENTAL DISORDERS AND ITS EFFECT ON CHILDREN In our fast-paced world where cut-throat competition prevails, people have seen a rise in the occurrence of emotional stress, distress and depression. However, people inflicted with a deadly disease such as AIDS are more prone to suffer from such mental disorders. The feeling of helplessness and depression is also because of the fact that most of the societies in our world have not learnt to accept people with AIDS. Certainly, it is not easy for them. This has, anyhow, proved to be more negative for patients with AIDS as they are not only going to be fight with a fatal disease for the rest of their lives but are also being treated as outcasts and aliens by their fellowmen. Even more worse is the fact that sometimes the virus itself make attack the brain cells which may result in a loss of memory among other things. [American Psychiatric Association (n.d)] "Every day, about 14000 new HIV infections occur everyday" [International AIDS Society Communications Department (n.d)] Looking at the vast and dismal number of people that are likely to get diagnosed with AIDS is not comforting. As AIDS have been publicized as an incurable disease, it doesn't come as a shock to know that most of the patients start suffering from depression. Depression, in its own right is a very harmful mental disorder. Its symptoms include loss of interest in daily activities, loss of sleep, appetite and weight. Considering that HIV weakens the immune system, if a patient also suffers from depression, it is unlikely that he is going to get any better as lack of sleep, appetite and diversions are going to adversely affect the immune system

Friday, February 7, 2020

Summary and Analysis Papers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Summary and Analysis Papers - Essay Example Six of the world’s 10 fastest economies are located in Africa. An interesting demographic fact about Africa is that half its population is under the age of 20. By the year 2043 Africa will surpass China as the world’s largest workforce. A problem with the African economy is that it lacks savings and capital. South Africa despite being Africa’s largest economy has a slower growth rate than most of its neighbors. The sub-Saharan region is referred to as the â€Å"frontier markets.† Investors are looking to invest in mutual funds connected to an index of frontier market stocks. Investors should research companies in the region carefully since a lot of them lack liquidity. The beer industry is going very well in Africa. A way for investors to get around the liquidity issue of African stocks is by purchasing companies that have most of their assets in Africa, but are listed elsewhere such as in the London Stock Exchange (LSE). The equity markets in Africa might not be able to keep up with the expectations of investors. There are a lot of family owned businesses that do not want to lose control to investors by selling the equity of their firms. The industries that tend to list companies the most in Africa are banks, telecoms, and breweries followed by consumer businesses. â€Å"In Africa returns come from revenue growth and efficiency gains† (Harare & Johannesburg, 2013). ... The nation suffers from a variety of problems that are hindering the economic growth of the region. The educational system and business infrastructure of Africa are very poor. A lot of towns in Africa lack running water and electricity. The governments of the different countries in Africa have to form an alliance in order to help resolve the economic problems of the region. It was interesting to know that a lot of the economies of Africa are growing, but since these economies are so underdeveloped the growth in the economies is not helping improve the standard of living of the people of the region. The unemployment rate of Africa is very high. A way to bring more jobs into Africa is through foreign investment. The business community of Africa has to be more open towards forming alliances with foreign corporations. The use of joint ventures and strategic alliances can help persuade a lot of companies to enter the African marketplace. The potential of Africa of becoming the future manu facturing hub of the world exist due to the fact that Africa is going to have the largest workforce in the world within three decades. The African economy has to evolve by placing emphasis on the educational system of the continent. A more educated workforce is needed to attract industries to Africa that rely on skilled laborers. The governments of the different countries of Africa have to develop economic incentive packages to attract business to come to Africa. Creating free trade zones is a great way to spur economic activity. Africa should also look to improve its infrastructure to enhance the business environment of the nation. Another way for the economy to create jobs is by attracting labor intensive industries that are